your village, your history
The Fleckney History Group hold meetings at the Fleckney Village Hall on the second Thursday in the month at 7.45 – 9.30pm.
Membership Subscription is currently £10 to join for the year, or £2.50 on the door. All visitors are welcome and refreshments are available.
Fleckney History Group has a display entitled “Life in Fleckney During World War II” which can be seen in Fleckney library during normal opening hours which currently are Monday 2-4pm, Thursday 2-4pm and Saturday 10-12pm.
The dedicated computer in the library which holds the Fleckney History Group archive is available to use again now that Covid-19 restrictions are easing. A member of Fleckney History Group will also be in the library on Saturday mornings 10-12pm to help with any enquiries.
Foster and promote interest in local history (Fleckney). Work towards museum accreditation.
Hold Monthly meetings on historical topics and organise displays by local community groups.
Acquire and record historical documents and photographs of Fleckney and the surrounding area and its inhabitants.
Acquire and document items to be added to the museum collection and make these available to the general public.
Founder & CEO
Lead Developer
Fleckney History Group meetings are starting again on Thursday September 9th, 7.30 for 7.45 at Fleckney Village Hall.
The Speaker will be Sandy Leong talking about the History of Tea.
Everyone welcome.